Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I was never the kind of girl to keep a diary. I loved to buy them and look at the blank pages, imagining what they would be filled with in the future. Often the pages were never filled. Maybe an occasional doodle or entry, but I never felt the need to express my thoughts on paper.

Now that I have a long commute, I have a lot of time to think about things. Some serious, some funny, some bizarre and ridiculous. Lately I have felt the need to write them down, perhaps just to get them out of my head and clear out room for other trivial matters.

My life seems to be in quick transition at the moment, and this will help me remember some days, events, feelings that I might otherwise forget. Being a new momma, I'm sure a picture or two of the babe will pop up. You might see some sports posts, a music graf or two and a veritable pantheon of anything else.

My hope is that if you stumble upon this little spot you leave with something on which to ponder. Perhaps you'll be educated, maybe edified. entertained, even. Hopefully all of those things. If nothing else, this will give you a little insight into an oft-guarded soul. Feel free to ask questions, share thoughts, make suggestions and, most important of all, have fun!

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